Wednesday, July 28, 2010

July 27, 2010

Sometimes, a picture does not need a camera to be captured, it gets captured in your head. Or you have to capture it in your head because you forget your stupid camera at home! As I was walking back to the office for a meeting, I wished I had my camera - the first reason was coz' they were shooting transformers, this time from a copter. Could've had an awesome shot of a helicopter. But sigh!

The second reason made me feel worse, now I really really wished I hadn't left my camera at home. And it made me realize how some laws can save your life and probably mean the difference between life and death.

As I walked closer to my office, I noted that one side of Michigan ave. (as if you haven't figured out where I am based yet - ha!) was in a total gridlock. There was a laaaaaarge bus turned at an awkward angle making the resolution of the jam even more trickier. And then I heard the wail of an ambulance from 5 blocks down! There was no way the ambulance could have made it on the right side, so the ambulance guy just drove through oncoming traffic lane! And boy did he maneuver! It would have made a nice shot, I know I took the picture in my head.

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